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Attack Angle Explained: How to Adjust for Different Clubs and Improve Your Golf Performance

Posted: September 12, 2024

Attack Angle Explained: How to Adjust for Different Clubs and Improve Your Golf Performance

In the video “Full Swing KIT Data With Trottie: Attack Angle,” Chris Trott takes a deep dive into understanding attack angle and how to read it on the Full Swing KIT. He explains that the attack angle is the angle at which the golf club strikes the ball. For irons, a downward attack angle is expected, with the divot occurring after the ball. Trottie demonstrates this with his first shot, showing a negative attack angle of -5.3 degrees, indicating a descending strike.

He then contrasts this with a driver, where an efficient launch requires a slightly positive attack angle. This comparison helps golfers understand how to adjust their attack angle for different clubs to optimize their performance.

Want to master your attack angle? Check out the Full Swing YouTube page for more in-depth analysis and tips from Trottie!

Check out the video: